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Core Data

OneGen supports generating full-featured Core Data models including its managing model file (xcdatamodel). In this article, you'll learn everything you need to know to successfully use Core Data with OneGen-generated models in your app.


New Project

If you're starting a new project, make sure to select the Use Core Data checkbox in the dialog. It will make Xcode generate the following:

  1. Data model file: a new file in your project your_project_name.xcdatamodeld. You can delete this file as OneGen will generate it for you.
  2. Model loading code: a function or file loading the data model file. Try to find the statement that loads the model file. It will probably look similar to this: NSPersistentContainer(name: "your_project_name"). Replace the your_project_name with model, as that's what OneGen names this data model file.

Existing Project

If you're not sure how to implement the boilerplate code to load a core data model file, we suggest creating a new project and just copying the code over to your existing project. Just make sure to change the model file name to model when loading it as described above.


Since Enums can't be represented in Core Data, or rather in Objective-C, OneGen found a workaround, so you can still comfortably use Enums.

Enums get generated, but they are not stored in Core Data. If you reference an enum in your model, OneGen would generate a field with the enum's underlying data type and on top of that create a computed variable that converts from/to the enum type.

Let's consider the following example. We defined an enum named Color that contains some colors. We also defined a class User and we'd like to store our users' eye color in a new field eyeColor: Color. Now take a look below at how OneGen would deal with these models in compliance with Core Data.

  // Color.swift
enum Color: String, Codable {
    case green = "GREEN"
    case blue = "BLUE"
    case red = "RED"

// User.swift
class User: NSManagedObject, Codable {
    // The enum's underlying String value is saved in Core Data
    @NSManaged open var eyeColorValue: String

    // OneGen generates a computed variable
    // to conveniently work with the Color enum
    var eyeColor: Color {
        get {
            return Color(rawValue: self.eyeColorValue)!
        set {
            self.eyeColorValue = newValue.rawValue

Data Types

There are certain limitations when it comes to Core Data. OneGen modifies some model data types to make sure everything is aligned with Core Data.

Optional data types

You may have marked some data types optional and noticed they're not optional in the generated code. There are certain data types that can't be marked optional in Core Data.

Design Data Type Swift Data Type
Numeric Data Types (uint, int, float, double) UInt, Int, Float, Double
bool Bool
byte UInt8

Int without size

While Swift supports Int without the size specification, Core Data does not. OneGen translates Int to Integer 64 in Core Data.

Unsigned integer types

As Core Data doesn't have native unsigned integer types, OneGen generates them as signed. Hence UInt32 would become Integer 32 in Core Data.

Enums inside an array/map

If your data type is an array or a map that involves an Enum, all Enum types will be replaced with their underlying data type. For example, if you have this property: colors: [Color] where Color is defined as a string enum, it would be generated as: colors: [String]

If you reference a standalone Enum, it will work as described above in the Enum section.


Some complex data types can be represented as Transformable in Core Data. OneGen takes advantage of this feature in the following cases:

Data Type Info
Array Arrays get marked as Transformable unless the array is a relationship.
Map Maps (Dictionaries) always get marked as Transformable

If your models contain a Transformable type, make sure to read about it on the Apple Docs.


Core Data supports the following types of relationships:

  • One to One: for example, one Person has one House
  • One to Many: for example, one Person has multiple Dogs
  • Many to Many: for example, multiple Persons study multiple Courses and each Course has many Persons

Inverse Relationship

Core Data recommends using inverse relationships. It essentially means if a Person references a House, then the House should reference the Person as well.

OneGen automatically locates inverse relationships if they exist and marks them as such. There is one edge case when this automatic process won't work correctly though.

Multiple properties reference the same type

Let's say you have two classes Note and User. A User can have many notes, thus we'd create a one-to-many relationship. As for the inverse relationship, imagine we want to have two references from Note to User as shown in the code below:

  class User {
    var notes: [Note]

class Note {
    var author: User?
    var editor: User? // imagine a feature where we can invite an editor to edit our note

OneGen automatic inverse relationship lookup wouldn't be able to resolve this automatically, so you would have to manually fix the relationships in the xcdatamodel file.

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